‘Colourful farm-to-table vegetable antipasto plate’
‘Colourful farm-to-table vegetable antipasto plate’
‘Colourful farm-to-table vegetable antipasto plate’
Arugano Fogo (Yamanashi)
Seasonal vegetable minestrone soup
Lunch plates
Veggie lasagne
Vegan paella
Nut tart
Vegan dessert
Housed in an old two story timber dwelling, + Veganique’s interior has a comfortable, almost rustic, simplicity (think Kanagawa beach house meets Kinfolk) that echos the unadulterated naturalness of owner-chef Kato’s cooking.
The concept behind his ‘100% vegan restaurant’ is to bring the delicious purity of vegan style cuisine combining vegan, organic and macrobiotic ingredients to diners of all dietary persuasions.
Although the menu is a one trick pony for repeat visitors, for its variety of colours, flavours and textures the farm-to-table antipasto plate shouldn’t be missed, while the moreish lasagne and paella prove that vegan dining needn’t mean giving up comfort foods.
090 9823 8310